Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This week I get familiar with the openCV library. It's a library of programming functions for computer vision with C++/C/Python implementations. Though I have some previous experiences in computer vision, I always work in Matlab.  It's my first time to work with openCV. It seems quite convenient to use openCV. There are APIs for image operations like reading image to memory and writing images to file. Also, matrix operations are very similar as that in Matlab. In the coming week, I plan to implement HOG (hopefully on GPU) which is the feature descriptor for my detection system.


  1. Will you use C++, C, or Python? It it totally up to you. Given that most of your algorithm will run on the GPU, I don't expect significant performance differences.

    1. I will use C++. As I planed, the HOG computation part and logo searching part will run on the GPU.
